All of us take five steps to complete every Life Situation we encounter. Each result is deposited in our belief sets and these belief sets cumulatively form our current viewpoint. We use our viewpoint to measure the results of each action we take all our lives.
This process goes hand in hand with mind and Mind’s Eye.

To illustrate this I’m using “having a baby” to illustrate the virtue of love and longtime consequential rewards.
Note: We also encounter Life Situations which turn out negatively for us. This too goes into our viewpoint. If we encounter and incorporate more negative than positive life situations, we will most likely end up with a negative viewpoint versus a positive viewpoint.
First Step: As we stand on Life Base, holding our newborn baby, Mind, in the form of Mind’s Eye, is looking out at our Life Situation. Mind’s Eye is seeing this new life we have brought into the world.
Mind’s Eye runs this life situation back into mind and takes it to our world order beliefs. Mind’s Eye matches our World Order Belief that says we should be loving this child.
Mind’s Eye then takes a look at our Value Judgment Beliefs and sees that loving our children is the right thing to do. Since, according to our World Order Beliefs and our Value Judgment Beliefs, loving our children is the right thing to do, Mind’s Eye determines we are living up to our moral beliefs and tells our neurons to tell brain to manufacture the positivizes of the love we feel for our child in Our Value Beliefs.
Second Step: Knowing our Life Situation that indicates loving our child is the right thing to do.
Third Step: The action of giving the love we feel to our child.
Fourth Step: We get the RESULTS of watching our children our children mature into healthy beings.
Fifth Step: The CONSEQUENTIAL REWARDS we get from loving our child into their maturity
How can you apply Mind’s Eye knowledge to your entire life?
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