Note: My previous article, “5 Steps to Mind’s Eye Beliefs” raised several questions. This article is an additional attempt at getting the concept across better.

The first of the five steps to reinforcing beliefs is when we stand on our own individual life base. Standing on your life base begins at birth, where your first job is to use your emotions to ensure you thrive and survive.
You begin to develop your beliefs by using your mind’s-eye to help incorporate the rules you are being given. Your beliefs teach you to thrive and survive on your own in society.
As you continue to develop, you begin to expand your society and your beliefs into extended periods of learning from your extended family, race, gender, culture, church, school city, county, state, and nation.
Mind is where these intellectual and emotional responses are contained. From your very beginning you are influenced by the rules of action and results taught to you. These rules are seen as (whether the result of yours or other’s behaviors) as right or wrong, good or bad, and fair or unfair.
Beliefs: Step One
Intellectual and emotional responses work together, in that our intellectual (thought) process will ultimately initiate our emotional (feeling) responses and the two, as they connect, will influence our behaviors.
From our very beginning we are influenced by the rules of action and results taught to us. These rules are whether the result of ours or other’s behaviors are right or wrong, good or bad, fair or unfair.
Beliefs: Step Two
In my opinion, every person in the world, all 8.2 billion of us, think about our second step, which is life situation, and evaluate the variables in that situation as right or wrong, good or bad, fair or unfair.
Beliefs: Step Three
Behavior, then, is initiated through the certainty we have of our beliefs. Generally, behavior is ruled by the combination of our thought and triggered emotions.
Beliefs: Step Four
Once we have completed our evaluation of the variables of our life situation, and our thoughts trigger our emotions which have influenced our behaviors, we respond to the results of that behavior.
Beliefs: Step Five
The final step is the evaluation of the results of our behavior as right or wrong, good or bad, fair or unfair. This is what we use to move on to our consequential rewards. Our consequential rewards are what we use to reinforce our belief sets ad infinitum.
This entire process becomes automatic around the sixth year of our developmental process. If there is no interruption to this process, we will continue to host our beliefs, use them as the basis of our thoughts, develop our emotions related to right or wrong, good or bad, fair or unfair, and those emotions will influence our behaviors in every life situation we encounter.
Please comment if you’ve further questions about how to “believe better.”
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